Orlaith Brennan
PMI Breakfast Seminar – Supply & Pricing of Medicines – 1 Year On 22/06/2017
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Orlaith Brennan
PMI Breakfast Seminar – Supply & Pricing of Medicines – 1 Year On 22/06/2017
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Simon Nugent
PMI Breakfast Seminar – Supply & Pricing of Medicines – 1 Year On 22/06/2017
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Simon Nugent Synopis
PMI Breakfast Seminar – Supply & Pricing of Medicines – 1 Year On 22/06/2017
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Voxpops – Preview
PMI Breakfast Seminar – Supply & Pricing of Medicines – 1 Year On 22/06/2017
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PMI Breakfast Seminar – Supply & Pricing of Medicines – 1 Year On 22/06/2017
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PMI Business Day
The PMI Business Day: “Shaping the Future”, Radisson Blu, Golden Lane, Thursday March 23rd
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Angela McFarlane
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Patrick McCormack
[su_button url=”https://www.thepmi.com/pmi-player/digital/patrick-mccormack/” style=”flat” background=”#8d44ad” size=”5″]View Video[/su_button]

Ken Hughes
[su_button url=”https://www.thepmi.com/pmi-player/market-research-creative/ken-hughes-behaviourist/” style=”flat” background=”#8d44ad” size=”5″]View Video[/su_button]

Martin Fitzgerald
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Challenges and Opportunities For the HSE 2017
Tony O’ Brien, Director General at HSE
Finnstown castle hotel – Thursday, Feb 9th, 2017
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Tony O’Brien Director General at HSE – Synopis
Tony O’ Brien, Director General at HSE
Finnstown Castle hotel – Thursday, Feb 9th, 2017
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Adrienne O’Keefe
Finnstown Castle hotel – Thursday, Feb 9th, 2017
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Graeme Flower
Finnstown Castle hotel – Thursday, Feb 9th, 2017
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Karen Tyrell
Finnstown Castle hotel – Thursday, Feb 9th, 2017
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John O’Connell
Finnstown Castle hotel – Thursday, Feb 9th, 2017
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President's Vision
Shane Fitzgerald
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The Importance of Networking
Kingsley Aikins
From this video you will :
- Understand the importance of successful networking
- Know why it is a crucial skill for all business leaders
- Understand that networking is not about you but about others and knowing the three important questions you need to remember when you meet new people.
[su_button url=”https://www.thepmi.com/pmi-player/self-development/the-importance-of-networking/” style=”flat” background=”#8d44ad” size=”5″]View Video[/su_button]

Talking Emotional Intelligence
Daire Coffey, Managing Director, Perspectives Consulting
In this session you will gain a better understanding of:
- What Emotional Intelligence actually is
- Why it is a critical skill set
- How you can develop your emotional intelligence.
[su_button url=”https://www.thepmi.com/pmi-player/self-development/talking-emotional-intelligence/” style=”flat” background=”#8d44ad” size=”5″]View Video[/su_button]

Engaging and Managing Your Communications
Eoghan McDermott, Director, The Communications Clinic
In this session you will gain insights into:
- The use of detailing and communications tools
- Preparing and delivering an impactful, engaging and memorable presentation
- Relationship building and the importance of optimism and resilience as key assets to success
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Building Resilience – 7 Practical Tips
Daire Coffey, Managing Director, Perspectives Consulting
In this session you will learn about :
- Resilience and what it actually means
- Learn tangible tips on how to manage challenge and stress
- Learn how to develop the skills to help you become more resilient, empowered and confident
[su_button url=”https://www.thepmi.com/pmi-player/self-development/building-resilience-7-practical-tips/” style=”flat” background=”#8d44ad” size=”5″]View Video[/su_button]

Market Access for Pharma
Brenda Dooley, Managing Director, Axis Healthcare Consulting
From this video you will learn more about:
- The importance of putting a strategic market access plan in place
- Challenges in securing market access for products in Ireland & how to respond to these challenges
- The need to have an outward perspective and the change in mindset this often necessitates for companies
[su_button url=”https://www.thepmi.com/pmi-player/pharmaceutical/market-access-for-pharma/” style=”flat” background=”#8d44ad” size=”5″]View Video[/su_button]

Data Collection Methods
Brenda Dooley, Managing Director, Axis Healthcare Consulting
From this video you will learn more about:
- NCPE requirements & challenges with sourcing local Irish data for HTA submissions
- 3 key questions to ask (i) What data do I need (ii) Where to source it (iii) What if there is no data.
- Importance of a systematic approach- data collection files on (i) demographics-CSO (ii) disease specific data – patient registries/expert opinion via market research with clinical specialist (iii) Irish costs- HSE case mix data published in “ready reckoner 2013”, Hospital data, HSE PCRS data (iv) Outcomee data & HRQOL data
- Document approach taken for NCPE & efforts considered.
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What is HIQA?
Dr Máirín Ryan, Director of Health Technology Assessment at the Health Information and Quality Authority Ireland (HIQA)
From this video you will learn more about:
- The scope of the role of HIQA in relation to HTA’s- broadly the generation of independent advice that informs investment or disinvestment decisions- does it work, who will benefit, cost, value for money, recommendations on the reorganisation of healthcare delivery
- HTA’s cover drugs, diagnostics, surgical procedures, public health interventions
- Guidelines from HIQA for HTA’s
- Clinical Guidelines in particular National Clinical Guidelines Programs are given advice by HTA
- New focus on (i) European network of HTA agencies to harmonise methodologies & leverage work done in other markets (ii) collaborative work with licencing authorities ie EMEA- early advise on clinical trials prog needed to achieve licensing & reimbursement
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Financial Planning for Pharma
Alan Downey, Nestlé
This video will give you a better understanding of:
- Assessing financial performance- profit & loss accounts- success of business relative to plan
- Identifying reasons for under/over achievement of budget
- Determining key KPI’s for the business
- The importance of forecasting accuracy
- Business performance and the need to consider the macroenvironment—competitors & levels of activity & investment in the therapy area.
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Interview advice for employers
Anne Fanthom of Recruitment Plus
This video will give you tips to ensure you maximise the outcome of the interview process.
- Prepare for the interview- familiarise yourself fully with the cv
- Have a detailed job description which allows evaluation of candidates’ skill set versus the job requirements and less focus on personal details. Use a rating scale.
- Focus on key competencies ie communication, attention to detail, team player.
- Key takeaways: employer preparation for interview, detailed job description, engage with candidates, key competencies identification & rating scale
[su_button url=”https://www.thepmi.com/pmi-player/hr/interview-advice-for-employers/” style=”flat” background=”#8d44ad” size=”5″]View Video[/su_button]

How to Manage an Employee's Development
Deirdre Cullivan, HR Consultant
From this video you will learn:
- Good performance management links individual objectives to the organisation’s overall mission and goal
- Performance management must be a continuous, cyclical process
- Agreed standards for performance, behaviour and values are vital to success
[su_button url=”https://www.thepmi.com/pmi-player/hr/employee-development/” style=”flat” background=”#8d44ad” size=”5″]View Video[/su_button]

How to Plan Accurate Market Research
Tarik Laher, Director, Ipsos MRBI
From this video you will learn to:
- Have a clear, documented objective for your market research project
- Choose an appropriate methodology or combination of methodologies
- Define a representative sample of participants that includes your important customers
- Adhere to best practice in project planning to allow for approvals and compliance requirements
- Ensure the final output is actionable and comes with strategic recommendations from your researcher
[su_button url=”https://www.thepmi.com/pmi-player/market-research-creative/how-to-plan-effective-market-research/” style=”flat” background=”#8d44ad” size=”5″]View Video[/su_button]

How to Brief a Creative Agency
Jimmy Murphy, Client Services Director at Publicis Dublin
From this video you will learn to:
- Be “singular” in your approach— in your brief focus on a single challenge you face
- Manage expectations for a project by setting them clearly in advance
- Ensure to provide accurate information in your brief
- Allow sufficient time between agreeing the brief and the agency presentation
- Provide clarity on your project budget
[su_button url=”https://www.thepmi.com/pmi-player/market-research-creative/how-to-brief-a-creative-agency/” style=”flat” background=”#8d44ad” size=”5″]View Video[/su_button]

Digital Technology in Health
Dr. Rory O’Hanlon
From this video you will learn how digital technology in health:
- Can assist medical professionals in efficiently keeping up to date with medical information
- Supports in explaining medical topics to patients to improve their decision making and compliance
- Creates better-informed patients but they may require clear guidance on its use
- Needs to be leveraged more by the pharmaceutical sector
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Digital Marketing , it isn’t virtual it’s real
Dr. Johnny Walker, Medical Entrepeneur
From this video you will learn:
- The current healthcare ecosystem is marred by complexity
- That now is the time to disrupt the system by applying technologies and workflow informatics
- What the inhibitors and the drivers of this healthcare disruption will be
[su_button url=”https://www.thepmi.com/pmi-player/digital/digital-marketing-it-isnt-virtual-its-real/” style=”flat” background=”#8d44ad” size=”5″]View Video[/su_button]