
Speaker Recordings

30th Annual Business Day - April 4th, 2019

Each of the speakers at our Business Day, have very kindly agreed to share their slides with our members.  The slides are listed in speaker order, click on the image to download the required slide deck. 

Darragh O’Loughlin
Secretary General – IPU

Darragh’s presentation discussed community pharmacy trends across Europe and the integral role community pharmacists need to play in order to relieve overstretched GP’s and A&E departments. 

Prof Orla Hardiman
National Clinical Lead, Neurology – HSE & Consultant Neurologist, Beaumont

Orla talked about the treatments of rare diseases in Ireland, our lack of transparency in drug reimbursement and the need to review the QALY’s for rare disease drugs. 

Vicky McGrath
Chief Executive – Rare Disease Ireland

Vicky gave an overview of access to services for those with rare diseases in Ireland, and an overview of the work RDI do in being an advocate’s voice.

Pegasus – Inspiring Healthy Decisions
Ian Ray & Joe Marshall from Pegasus spoke at our 30th Annual Business Day on April 4th.

Ian Ray & Joe Marshall shared some insights into their award winning campaign “Small talk saves lives” and how to bring behavioural science into patient adherence. 

Prof Martin Curley
Director Digital Academy & Open Innovation – HSE

Martin shared the evolution of digital around the world, and the absolute need to “digitize or die” along with some of the digital work the HSE is currently undertaking to bring it in line with other nations. 

Jack Cochran, MD

Jack gave some insights into the medical system in US, and shared some of his experiences in bringing doctors back into the discussions around healthcare. 

Frankie Sheahan
Founder & Global CEO – Pendulum Summit

Filipe Infante
hmR Country Manager

As the lead sponsor for the 30th Annual Business Day, Filipe gave an overview of hmR and their journey so far.