Business Day 2017

The PMI, Annual Business Day, Business Day,

Our 28th annual Business Day took place on March 23rd in the Radisson Blu.  The theme of the day was “Shaping the Future” and we had a fantastic line up of speakers and industry leaders.  The speakers kindly allowed us to share their slides, and they can be found below in order of appearance.   


Martin Fitzgerald GIRP

Martin Fitzgerald – Deputy Director General, GIRP

Martin was our first speaker and gave an excellent review on Supply Chain Trends in Europe.  During his presentation Martin covered:

  • The role of the full-line wholesaler
  • The implications of GDRP
  • Good distribution practice guidelines
  • Shortages of medicinal products

 You can view Martin’s slides here

Martin’s presentation was also recorded and will be available towards the end of this week. 


Angela McFarlane QuintilesIMS

Angela McFarlane – Market Development Director, QuintilesIMS

Angela gave a thorough and insightful insight into how Brexit will affect the pharmaceutical industry.  During her presentation, Angela covered:

  • Market profile
  • Forces shaping global healthcare
  • Global pharma
  • Brexit implications

 You can view Angela’s slides here

Angela’s presentation was also recorded and will be available towards the end of this week. 



Patrick McCormack Sam McCauley Chemist GroupPatrick McCormack, Managing Director – Sam McCauley Chemist Group

Patrick gave an indepth and entertaining presentation regarding innovation in the retail pharmacy space.  During his presentation, Patrick covered: 

  • The current retail pharmacy landscape
  • How improvements in technology &  robotics are enhancing the customer experience 
  • Compliance
  • How trust and integrity are vital in building relationships

 You can view Patrick’s slides here

Patrick’s presentation was also recorded and will be available towards the end of this week. 


Ken Hughes – Behaviourist, 

Ken delivered his trademark blend of highly entertaining and deeply thought provoking style, detailing trends in consumer behaviour and how some companies are harnessing their autencity to place themselves above the noise in a busy marketplace.  During his presentation Ken covered: 

  • The “blue dot” consumer
  • Technology for technology isn’t the answer
  • Contextual communication
  • The power of personalisation

 You can view Ken’s slides here

Ken’s presentation was also recorded and will be available towards the end of this week. 
