Pharma Summit Sponsors 2023

Events like the Pharma Summit cannot take place without the support of our sponsors, and we’re delighted to have the following companies joining the event this year: 

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Our platinum sponsor for the 2023 Pharma Summit is AXIS Consulting.

AXIS Consulting are the trusted partner for reimbursement success, creating top quality submissions based on our knowledge, insights & long-standing experience of securing market access in Ireland. 

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United Drug are one of Gold Sponsors at the ’23 Pharma Summit.

As Irelands leading healthcare provider United Drug ensure medicinal products get to the right place at the right time through their operations in distribution, wholesale, community pharmacy and homecare services.

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Hibernian Healthcare are also a Gold Sponsor at the ’23 Pharma Summit. 
Their mission is to provide best-in-class, patient-focused, efficient, flexible and sustainable services, delivered by our exceptional nurses.

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Salutem Insights are our third Gold Sponsor at the ’23 Pharma Summit. 

Salutem Insights are a leading health economics consultancy company that provides high-quality health economic research, such as health technology assessments (HTA), burden of illness reports, systematic reviews, and economic models. They also navigate companies through the Irish reimbursement system.

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Uniphar are the lunch sponsor at the ’23 Pharma Summit and will also be exhibiting under the Star OutiCo brand. 

Uniphar Group is an international diversified healthcare services business servicing the requirements of pharmaceutical manufacturers across three divisions – Supply Chain & Retail, Commercial & Clinical and Product Access.

Hanover are Silver Sponsors at the 2023 Pharma Summit. 

Hanover are an award-winning communications consultancy that advises enterprises, institutions, and individuals on building recognition and enhancing reputation.