NCPE Breakfast Briefing
26th September 2019 - Member Feedback
Aoife Callan - Takeda, Muireann McAlister - Pfizer, Brenda Dooley & Marian Herion - AXIS give their feedback on Lesley Tilson's NCPE Briefing Breakfast on September 26th.
Fionnuala King
Fionnuala King, Chief Pharmacist with the AHDMP at HSE spoke at our Prescribers Update Breakfast Seminar on June 6th sponsored by Eurodrug.
Fionnuala Kennedy
Mater Private
Fionnuala Kennedy, Chief Pharmacist with the Mater Private, and President of the HPAI spoke at our Prescribers Update Breakfast Seminar on June 6th sponsored by Eurodrug.
Anna-Marie Curran
A&L Goodbody
Anna-Marie Curran, Partner with A&L Goodbody spoke at our Prescribers Update Breakfast Seminar on June 6th sponsored by Eurodrug.
6th June, 2019
David Jones - MSD, Michael Scott - Mundipharma and Tracey Kivelhan - Accord Healthcare give their feedback on the Prescribers Update Breakfast Seminar.
Darren Scully
HPRA - Full Presentation
Leonie Clarke
IMVO. Full presentation
John McGrane
British Irish CoC - Full Presentation