High Tech Hub Breakfast Briefing

Anne Marie Hoey – Assistant National Director and Carmel Burke – Head of Operations at the PCRS gave a briefing on the High Tech Hub – it’s objectives, milestones and the next therapy areas to be included.

Vox Pops 28th June 2018 – High Tech Hub Breakfast

David Keyes – United Drug, Shellie Jones Curran – UCB & Paul McGowan – Mylan give their feedback on the High Tech Hub briefing.

Women in Leadership – Mary Harney

As part of our Women in Leadership Series, Mary Harney gave a talk on her experiences to date, her time in politics and shared her advice for Women in Leadership.

Brexit Breakfast

3 speaker synopsis

Austin Hughes, KBC Bank – Full presentation

Danny McCoy, Ibec – Full presentation

Liam Cullen, GSK – Full presentation

Austin Hughes, KBC Bank – synopsis

Danny McCoy, Ibec – synopsis

Liam Cullen, GSK – synopsis

Market Access Overview & Update

A Short Interview with Brenda Dooley, Axis Consulting

Brenda Dooley, Managing Director with AXIS Consulting – Full Presentation

PMI Breakfast Seminar – Reimbursement Overview

A Short Interview with Professor Michael Barry

Professor Michael Barry – Full Presentation

The PMI Events – Your Networking Opportunity

Voxpops from Our Recent Breakfast Event with Prof. Michael Barry.

What Our Members Say About The Q&A Sessions At Our Events

PMI Breakfast Seminar – Supply & Pricing of Medicines – 1 Year On

Orlaith Brennan

Director of Commercial Affairs IPHA


Simon Nugent

CEO, Private Hospitals Association

Business Day 2017

Angela McFarlane

Market Development Director, QuintilesIMS

Ken Hughes


Patrick McCormack

Managing Director, Sam McCauley Chemist Group

Martin Fitzgerald

Deputy Director General,GIRP