
Business Day 2018

Dr Roisin Adams

Dr. Roisin Adams, Chief Pharmacist with the Acute Hospitals division gave an overview of the HSE’s strategy,  and the need to achieve greater efficiencies  in the Health System’s budget through the wider use of both generic and biosimilar medicine.

Prof Trevor Duffy

Prof Trevor Duffy, Consultant Rheumatologist with Connolly Hospital gave his view of biosimilars as a clinician and the very real balancing act between being aware of cost constraints, while also treating & managing a patient.

Dr Ciara Clancy

Dr Ciara Clancy, Founder & CEO with Beats Medical gave attendees an overview of Beats and the ground-breaking changes this technology has had in the lives of Parkinson’s sufferers.  She also outlined the power of patient advocacy.

Dr Paul Cornes

Dr Paul Cornes, Consultant Oncologist in Bristol was the second clinician who spoke.  Paul has vast experience in the area of biosimilars in Oncology and shared his knowledge, expertise and thoughts on how to bring clinicians on board in Ireland.

Dr Virginia Acha

Dr Virginia Acha, Executive Director, global Regulatory Policy with MSD gave attendees an overview of biosimilars from the viewpoint of the industry & how to ensure biosimilars success in being incorporated into care through informed decision making.

Fort Privacy

With the GDPR deadline of May 25thlooming large, Co-Founders Tricia Higgins & Marie Murphy from Fort Privacy gave an overview of the implications to pharma and the requirements of the legislation from both a legal and an operational viewpoint.

Niamh Sherwin Barry

Niamh Sherwin Barry is the Co-Founder and Chief Story Teller with the Irish Fairy Doors Company.  Niamh sprinkled her magic on attendees, and explained how important story telling is in reaching and captivating your audiences.

Dr Stephen Weir

Dr. Stephen Weir, Health Economics Lecturer with the Institute of Public Administration gave a talk on where the Health Service came from in Ireland, and where it’s currently heading.  Stephen also gave an overview of Sláintecare, and the barriers to reform.

Barry O’Brien

Barry O’Brien is the Managing Director with Abbey Medical Management Consulting.  Barry brought his extensive knowledge in both pharmaceuticals and primary care to the Business Day, and gave some insights into where Primary Care is headed.