Breakfast Presentation

23rd November, 2017

Brenda Dooley, Managing Director at AXIS Consulting 

Brenda gave an overview of the HTA process in Ireland, highlighted common pitfalls and gave her top tips for success in this highly complex process. 

Brenda has kindly shared her slides with our members, which can be viewed here



7th September, 2017

Prof Michael Barry, NCPE

Professor Michael Barry, Clinical Director with the National Centre for Pharmaeconomics (NCPE)

Prof Michael Barry gave an in-depth review of the Reimbursement process, the growth of Rare Disease Drugs and as a consequence, the rise in complex HTA submissions – 49 submissions so far in 2017, with 39 of these being Cancer/Rare Disease submissions.   

Click here to view Prof Barry’s slides.



David Magee, IMI

David Magee, Head of Memberships with the Irish Management Institute (IMI) 

Following on from the launch of the PMI’s partnership with the IMI on September 1st, David gave an overview of the benefits now available to PMI members, and how best to avail of them. 

Click here to view David’s slides. 

PMI Avatar

22nd June, 2017

Orlaith Brennan IPHA

Orlaith Brennan, Director of Commercial Affairs with Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association (IPHA)

Orlaith spoke to our members about the Drugs Agreement and how the process has evolved in it’s first year.  She outlined some areas where roadblocks are occurring and what IPHA are doing to try to alleviate these. 

Click here to view Orlaith’s slides


 Simon Nugent PHA

Simon Nugent, CEO with the Private Hospitals Association 

Fresh from their annual conference, Simon gave our members an overview of what his members are facing just now, and the resolutions passed at the annual conference. 


Click here to view Simon’s slides 


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 9th February, 2017. 

Tony O'Brien HSE

Tony O’Brien, Director General with the HSE

Tony spoke to our members on February 9th, outlining the challenges and difficulties currently facing the HSE – and how to overcome them. 

Click here to view Tony’s slides.