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The Pharmaceutical Managers’ Institute of Ireland, is a not for profit membership organisation serving the Irish Pharmaceutical and Healthcare industry. We provide education, upskilling and networking opportunites, along with keeping our members up to date with all the important aspects of the industry.

PMI Pharma Summit 2024

Summit Roundup

Presidential Address

Learn Connect Grow

The Pharmaceutical Managers’ Institute of Ireland, is a not for profit membership organisation serving the Irish Pharmaceutical and Healthcare industry. We provide education, upskilling and networking opportunites, along with keeping our members up to date with all the important aspects of the industry.

Why become a member?

As a member of our team you can enjoy:

Connect with potential clients, partners, and collaborators to expand your business horizons.

Gain valuable insights from peers, learning from their successes and challenges.

Associate with a respected group to boost your credibility and brand image.

Gain valuable insights from peers, learning from their successes and challenges.

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